The road to recovery

The road to recovery is a road, on it, you will need to stop and have times to refresh. There will be bumps and delays, there will be times you want to exit and go a different route.

If you stay on your road to recovery and have friends, family and professionals to help you to your destination. Your journey is more likely to be a positive one.

Recovery from brain injury, neurological conditions and trauma can be a lifelong journey. But doesn’t have to be a journey made alone, make sure you have support.

There are support organisations and charities around that can also help you and your family. When choosing support find out from the start if there are any costs.

As with any journey, there will be setbacks delays and disappointments. However, don’t let them put you off or sidetrack you they are all part of the journey.

Managing fatigue and finding time to rest will be important. Whoever is supporting you on your road to recovery will work at your pace, they may encourage you but not over-stretch you.

Setting small achievable goals will help you on your way, we all like achieving something, so make it personal to you then you know you will have the drive to make it.

Reflecting on how far you have come on your journey can be helpful, looking back to see how far you have travelled can help you keep going on the journey.

The journey is always longer than the path taken. Share how you feel inside as you all get to know the new you post brain injury.

Take some time to enjoy the journey, it’s not all hard work and no play. Remember to take some time to just be you, to be with loved ones.

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